MX record or Mail Exchanger is one of the most essential Domain Name System record types. In this article, we will take a detailed look at its main purpose, how it looks and why it is so beneficial. Let’s start.

What is a DNS record?

DNS records are text instructions. They provide them to the DNS server, allowing it to determine which domain names each IP address belongs to. They’re small and easy to update, and their size varies depending on the query type. We are humans, and we remember domain names, not different and complicated IP addresses. But computers can’t read these domain names. So they must rely on records to comprehend and decipher words. That is, they turn the text file into machine-readable numbers.

MX record – the main purpose

MX record is one of the most utilizing DNS records. Its abbreviation stands for Mail Exchange. What does it mean? It contains information for sending email servers, such as the name of the responsible server for accepting emails on behalf of the domain. So it establishes a link between the domain name and the inbound mail server.

How to create MX records?
